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  • Writer's pictureTodd Cheek

Living Your Best Life w/ Guest, Mr. Joseph Pridgen


If you know me at all, you know I love a good come back story. I have always admired people that get knocked down, but refused to stay down, but instead rise above and beyond what people expect. I had the awesome opportunity to connect with Mr. Joseph Pridgen. Check out some of his info below.

"Author, Pastor, Power Coach, Counselor, Preacher, Teacher, Entrepreneur, Mentor, Actor, Singer/Songwriter, workshop facilitator; these words don’t even begin to describe the ministry of Joseph Benjamin-Owen Pridgen. The best way to describe the ministry of Joseph Pridgen is: Energetic! In every arena, he brings a spiritual energy and excitement that can be both seen and felt!"


If You're Over the Age of 50, Please Stop Eating these Foods!!

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